It was another day on the farm of pulling weeds, milking cows, and watering the crops. I hung my dusty hat on the nail in the break room/bunk house, that we used for lunch breaks and relaxing. Just the boss, 2 other farm hands and me there working every day. Nobody from the city knows what a sexy work environment a farm can be. Soon as I arrived this morning at 7 AM, a large Tom cat was screwing the female cat belonging to my bosses wife. I noted this and decided to ask for one of the kittens for my kids. It got me thinking, seeing that striped cat slowly carefully gently mounting the female from behind, and the girl cat looking at me cautiously, yet enjoying her penetration to the hilt. Whenever the male would pull out of her she would meow for more. Eventually she got her fill of couplings, and the two of them hid under the house. My wife was pregnant and not very receptive to my sexual needs. I had even shown her some porno pictures and movies that she previously loved. I had given her full massages finishing with genital touching and finger fucking. She likes me to put menthol on her privates, or an Alka Seltzer tablet up her rectum, even bubbly soda pop enemas. Shes a creative & sensual woman, ordinarily. I used oral sex on her. But no matter what I did I couldnt arouse her. So this afternoon I was very horny. I kept looking for a private place in the barn or bushes where I could wank off so that I could turn my mind to farming matters and please the boss. I dont believe in cheating on my wife either.
Im always one to make sure a job is done before I go home. John and Joe had already called it a day. Farmer Brown had gone home for dinner. I was a few minutes away from getting done with cleaning the ewe's pen. They were in heat so we were penning them up so they would be available to the ram when we brought him in tommorrow --to breed her for next crop of spring lambs. He was a super stud ram and we paid $300 to his owner for breeding our ewes.
I tossed all the dirty hay out of the outdoor pen with a pitch fork. Some of the sheep are like pets. we see certain of them all the time. They like to be petted. One we called Trixie, kept butting up against me. I fed her a treat from my pocket. She butted me again only this time, she hit me square in the crotch, luckily no damage done, but I decided to beware of Trixie.
I went inside the barn to be sure the squeeze had been installed by John and Joe. Then a sight for sore eyes appeared. I saw a large male hereford was repeatedly mounting a female, a cow. The male finally wore her down and she stood still to allow his big 2 foot penis to enter her bovine vagina. She mooed loudly and wagged her tail. It seems the inexperienced male had been aiming at the wrong hole at first so she wouldnt cooperate. Then she took a few steps and looked behind her to see where he was. The male was back again with an erect exposed penis out of its sheath. He roughly mounted her and engaged in intercourse a second time. They walked forward a good 15 feet engaged in the union. And finally the males body shook, I assumed he had at last reached climax and the cow was now bred. This would be the end of her heat. Mission accomplished.
I noticed the sheep. They were frustrated as they would like to fuck the ewes themselves, but we only allow our ewes to mate with superior Rams. We want the best quality lambs. The frustrated males were mounting each other randomly. Some would mount and upon stepping down would ejaculate on the ground.Some males spurned the advances of other frantic males. Some readily welcomed their advances. I couldnt tell if the sheep were dry humping each other or having sodomy. Im not an animal husbandry expert.
I stuck my hand in my pants to wank, and heard a truck. Shit. Just when I was about to have my pleasure. It was my boss telling me to take one of the ewes and put her in the squeeze to make sure it worked. We use a squeeze to hold an animal completely still while we vaccinate it, or do some kind of work on it. He said if it doesnt work, he will get a repairman out . Then he went back to the house bidding me goodnight.
I felt excited as the prospect of a play came to mind. I took Trixie and led her to the squeeze. I pushed her in head first and she was held tight.The squeeze was in perfect working order. She began to bleet from fear and sexual frustration, as she too was in heat. And this would be her 2nd year to be bred. I wonder if she knew why she was being held in the pen with the other females ? A plan began to form in my mind. Listening carefully, I heard nothing but the gentle breeze. Walking up behind the panting sheep I pulled my pants & underpants down to expose my jutting and twitching penis. I played with myself in preparation for orgasm. I covered my hand with lotion from the sink area. I stroked my dick and played with my balls. I walked behind the female sheep. Known as a ewe in farm lingo. Should I or shouldnt I? It would be so wicked and perverse. I needed an orgasm. I didnt much care how I got it. BUt I needed it now. I looked at Trixie. I put my penis up to her vagina. She was a bit dry on the outside.I put hand lotion on her animal pussy lips. She began to wail loudly -Baaaaa -Baaaaa- Baaaaa. I believe she was crying to be entered and satisfied. I used my fingers to feel her internally. She quieted down. She was getting what she needed. I put my penis up to the vagina again and began butting it in a steady rhythm. All of a sudden I popped inside the sheep and went like a madman. The two of us in heat. The sheep stood very still, absorbed in the fucking she was getting. I liked that. I reached around and found something that approximated a clitoris and rubbed it. Then I put a greasy finger around and up her rectum. I wondered if a lady sheep gets an orgasm. For certain the rams do. I played with my balls for a second, savoring the feeling of impending orgasm. Then made a few wild plunges and sent my love juices spirting into the ewe, she bleated greatfully and stood stone still. I nearly collapsed on top of her. I felt her animal vagina squeeze my human penis dry. She gave every indication of having climaxed.
I fixed my pants and put Trixie back I looked at the male sheep and wondered if it would be fun to bugger one. It would be tighter than Trixie. Or I could just fuck Trixie in the ass. She was cooperative.It made me look forward to coming to work for the next few weeks til my wife delivered. I wondered if I could get a calf or baby lamb to nurse on my cock, animal oral sex. Experiments awaited me.
"You'll all get your chance ladies!" I said very satsified. I headed home