The thought of spending the day with her pleased him, and he would certainly feel safe with her in public. As far as he was concerned he was getting his celebration of freedom, in a way he had not even dared to hope for.
It was not until she clipped the lead onto the collar, grabbed her coat and bag and started walking towards the front door that he began to realise what she had in mind. He started to protest, but she simply opened her bag, brought out the photograph of him and waved it nonchalantly over her shoulder at him, as she yanked hard on the lead.
He had no choice, so he followed. First she had punished him, then she had restrained him, and now she was going to humiliate him.
He thought he could see her plan, but his mind was totally focused on the fact that she was going to lead him around behind her in public. In depth thought would have to wait until this ordeal was over.
The first part was easy, as they left the building by the side door on the ground floor, which led straight into the private car park. So far - so good.
There seemed to be nobody there, but as the Countess, heels clicking on the concrete, approached her Rolls Royce, her Chauffeur appeared, as if from nowhere, and opened the rear door.
The Caretaker felt ridiculous, but the Chauffeur totally ignored him. He was yanked into the spacious back seat after her, and when the Chauffeur had settled himself into the driver's seat, and instructions had been issued, they were off.
When they emerged from the car park, he noticed it had stopped raining and that the sun, although a little watery, was trying to shine on their expedition. Normally this would have cheered him up but today was different.
First stop was apparently to be her jewellers. They pulled up outside and he closed his eyes and hoped to disappear, as she told the Chauffeur to pick her up in half an hour.
Then they were out of the car and he squinted around him to see if anybody was looking, but nobody took the slightest bit of notice. It was a completely different story once they were inside the shop.
There were two assistants in this rather exclusive shop, both dressed in tight black dresses that hugged their figures like gloves. One wore a pearl necklace, the other a pearl brooch, and this was how he always identified them in his mind afterwards.
To his relief, his embarrassment was not made any worse by the presence of any other customers. He followed the Countess up to a glass topped counter at one side of the shop, and then moved to stand next to her, but she snapped her fingers, indicating that he should stay behind her.
He knew the two assistants were giggling at him, but he could not bring himself to look at them. One of them, pearl necklace, walked around the other side of the counter and proceeded, very solemnly, to show the Countess the diamond bracelets she had arranged to view that morning. One in particular seemed to attract his captor, it was three inches wide, made of velvet and studded all over with diamonds.
Having made her final decision, she asked for it to be boxed and told them she would collect it after lunch. Then they left - leaving pearl brooch to dash across to her colleague, where upon they promptly started laughing again.
He glanced over his shoulder as they were half way out of the door, but quickly resumed looking at the pavement. He stared and stared at it, as he was remarked upon and laughed at, for at least five minutes. One fur-coated lady even stopped and asked the Countess, how much she wanted for him.
Fortunately she declined the offer, saying something about his not being fully trained yet.
A feeling of absolute relief swept over him, when the car pulled up, and he dived gratefully, into the back seat, automatically sliding down so as not to be seen. Soon they would be back at the apartments and this nightmare would be over.
It was not going to be that easy, however, as the Countess had other plans. He began to realise he was not going home, when the car started to head down town, and eventually pulled up outside what appeared to be a restaurant.
Again they got out of the car, and with a feeling of complete dread he followed her through the smoked glass doors. He did not look to left or right, just straight down, as his face blushed bright red.
The Countess was shown to a table and sat down, yanking on his lead, so that he knelt down. She then manoeuvred him under the table, gave him a pat on the head, and proceeded to ignore him while she made her choice from the menu.
It was several minutes before he felt able to take in his surrounding, and when he did, he realised he was not totally alone in his predicament. Where had she taken him? There was another man chained to a table leg over to his right, and one other in a metal cage against the wall to his left.