Jim strummed an A chord, tuned his E string up a touch and strummed again, "Green eyed women and red grenedine, bottle was dusty but the liquor was clean... Daddy made whiskey and he made it well, cost two dollars and it burned like hell," Mindy joined in just a bit out of key, "I cut hick'ry to fire the still, drink down the bottle and ready to kill... mmm, whiskey would be nice."
"Indeed it would... give Dan a call, he'd buy a bottle for us."
"No he won't, he wouldn't buy me any alcohol Wendsday night."
"Yeah, cus he knew you were hanging out with Matt there, he dosen't trust that kid around his little sister." Jim set the guitar to the side, grabbed his herb grinder and unscrewed the main chamber. He took out a rolling paper and started pinching weed into it.
"You don't have a problem with me hanging out with Matt why should David?"
"You're his little sister, bud, and he thinks that anyone who's that into thrash metal must be on something... and not just reefer. And well... he's kinda right."
"Come on, he just does addies. I know you've done those"
"Yeah, I've tried coke too that dosen't make it a good idea. And he danm sure does more than that. Last I heard it was Klonopin, and oxy 80s. I saw him up to Ralph's the other night he had fucking three 80s cut up for just him and Eric. That shit's just /stupid/."
"Well what the fuck were you doing there then?" She said, angry because he'd joined her brothers in deriding her two friends.
"Looking for fucking pot - no one but Ralph had any worth buying. And it might be giving this undue credit to say it was worth buying, takes a damn fatty for a Friday Night Couch Lock." He sealed the joint up and set it on the table.
"Oh, right... damn winter."
"Don't worry - Old Man Morrison, out in Burnsville, is taking care of a few girls for me. I should have a couple ounces of freshies from that coming to me pretty soon here."
"Mmm... now I remember why I love you, babe... well one reason anyway." She got up and slid onto his lap as she spoke, leaned in and kissed him warmly.
"Dan'll buy that bottle if I smoke him up," Jim said once they'd seperated "So uhh... maybe you should give him a call before we get all sweaty, tell him I'll hit him back for the booze and make the trip worth his while... he should be able to figure out what that means"
"Heh... you really think he'd be pissed you were fucking his little sister don't you?"
"Nah... he definitely knows I'm fucking you," he gave her ass a squeeze, "but the man's in the army he desereves respect," he continued in a half-joking sort of tone. "He dosen't need it thrown in his face is all I'm sayin'. We all know he could kick my ass halfway to hell if he had to do it."
"Ha ha, right on, what do you want?"
"Fifth of bourbon, preferably."
A cold winter wind blows outside and inside a little two-room log cabin in the Maine woods a pot-belly wood stove is blazing... and that ain't the only thing. Jim and Mindy are joined on the giant old comfy couch by fellow traveler Curt, who has a joint burning. The stereo softly plays a 'Tennessee Jed' bootleg while the three sit back, passing the joint and sipping their whiskey. For a time they just enjoy the music in the near-sauna heat of the wood stove, but soon the cocktail of liquor and cannabis have them feeling right dandy and a bit of Irish courage puts the spark in Jim's mind. He pulls Mindy closer and whispers in her ear, "How'd you like to try a threesome?"
That sly little grin Jim knew and loved crept out over Mindy's slightly stoned continence and she downed the rest of her bourbon and soda. She gave Jim a wink and stood up and walked to the bedroom. She came back a few minutes later in a pair or boy-short style panties and a tank top that had a hard time of it holding her in. Jim grinned as she walked around the back of the couch and stood directly in front of curt whose jam dropped a good three inches at the site of her gorgeous curves, "so how bout a little fun?" was all she said. Hearing no objections she knelt down in front of him and unzipped his jeans, yanking down his boxers she pulled out his dick and gave it a slow lick all the way down then even slower on the way up, then she wrapped her lips around the head an started off as slowly as she could, bobbing her head up and down, keeping time with her tongue.
Jim took off his pants and took up position behind Mindy, he pulled her panties down and she parted her legs a bit more for him. He slid his finger inside her tight little snatch and soon had her dripping wet. She came up for air for a moment and moaned softly as Jim took up position and pushed slowly into her tight little pussy. He fell into a slow steady rhythm and Mindy went back to work on Curt who reached down and began massaging her left breast. Not to be bested, Jim reached around and cupped her right breast then ran a finger up and down her abdomen, slowly circling in on her crotch and finding her clit. At this Mindy pulled her lips away from Curt and moaned loudly. She pushed back against Jim urging him to speed up until he felt her clench around him in the throws of orgasm. Holding himself back, if only just, he slowed to a stop, "I think I need a break after that, think you can handle her, bud?" He pulled out of her and sitting in an arm chair picked up his drink
"Well I think maybe," Said Curt with a shit-eating grin which Mindy mirrored, somewhat more lustily. She returned her attention to his swollen cock, giving it a slow lick from base to tip. Then seeing that he was more than prepared she straddled him on the couch, shoving her tits in his face. Curt happily sucked on her nipples while she lowered herself onto his dick. Then he gasped for air as she rapidly increased her speed, riding him hard and fast. Less used to her than Jim was Curt was soon unable to hold back. "Sweet Sugaree, I'm fixin' to blow here," he groaned.
"Aww," sighed Mindy, "and I was just starting to have fun. Oh well..." she rose up off him, then kneeled down before him again, this time sliding his now well lubricated cock between her tits. Giving them a squeeze she began to slide them up and down him. She felt Jim's tongue probing her snatch and slid her legs further apart to let him in. Curt began to thrust in time to her motions and soon came, leaving a trail of semen down her chest.
"That's enough tongue , Jim, I want you in me. Yeah... ooooh yeah, I need you to ride me now, baby." As he seemed reluctant to heed her, she gently grabbed his hair and pulled him upright. "I said ride me, stud," she said breathily before kissing him ravenously, pulling him down on top of her. She positioned him at her opening, and he just barely slid in, then out, in and out, looking down at her with a mischievous grin. She wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him inside her with more strength than she would have thought herself to have. Finally, Jim got down to it and started to thrust more deeply. With Mindy bucking and moaning underneath him it was soon all he could do to keep himself under control. He tried to picture Mindy's brother Dan walking in and finding them like this but just then Mindy let out an entirely new class of moan and her pussy clenched around him, driving him over the edge. For a few moments they lay in each other's arms then climbed back up into the couch and curled up together to smoke another joint.
"Fare thee well, fare thee well, I love you more than words can tell, listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul" - Hunter