Well, it was two months after my daughter Beth told me about her girl friend next door fucking her own father too that she and I were laying in my bed.
Beth was laying on me with my cock buried in her
tight cunt and her womb full of my hot sperm that
she told me that she and her friend Polly, had been
talking that day.
My loving daughter told me that Polly had ask her, as they talked that day that, if she thought I would fuck her. She told Beth that she was wondering what it would be like to suck and fuck another man.
She told me that Polly had told her that she loved having a cock in her and loved sucking her daddy's cock, but she was curios about what another man's cock would taste like and feel like fucking her.
As Beth told me about Polly, her own young cunt was milking my cock as she lay on me. She wasn't moving, she was just using her tight young cunt muscles like a milking machine. Oh yes, since we had begin fucking, my baby had really learned how to use her cunt muscles to pleasure her daddy.
Well Beth finally told me that Polly had ask her if I would fuck her, that she really wanted to suck my cock and have me fuck her.
Beth told me that she had acted shocked when Polly had ask her that, but that she had finally told her that she would find out if she could. Polly also ask her if she, herself, would mind if she fucked me. Of course Beth still acted shocked but finally had told her, no, that maybe it would help me because I hadn't dated any woman since Beth's mother was killed and that I would probably enjoy it.
Believe me when Beth milked my cock as she told me about Polly actually wanting me to fuck her, my cock was as stiff as it could get.
Beth told me again that if I did fuck Polly, then she herself would want to fuck Polly's daddy then if she did, when ever Polly stayed with her then I could enjoy having two little girls to fuck. She then giggled and kissed me as her cunt muscles squeezed my cock hard, almost painfully.
As she lay on me fucking me, telling me about Polly, Beth continued telling me about her talk with Polly that day. She told me that Polly had also told her that her mother was wondering what it would be like having another man fuck her. She told Beth that her mother had told her father that she would like to fuck another man to see what it was like. Her father had ask her who she would like to fuck, if she had someone she wanted too. Polly said that her mother had told him that she had been thinking about me, because they knew me and that she knew or was sure I wasn't having any sex because I never dated anyone that she knew of and that maybe I would enjoy having sex with someone.
Beth again told me that she had told Polly that she would try to find out if I would like to fuck Polly's mother if I had the chance. That tickled Polly and she was excited telling Beth she would like to watch me fuck her mother.
Believe me I sure filled my own little girl cunt and womb full of her daddy's cum that night thinking about fucking both Polly and her mother.
It was the following weekend when Beth ask me if Polly could spend the weekend. Of course I told her yes. Beth then told me that she had told Polly that I had told her that I would love to fuck Polly if I got the chance but had said I was sure I would never get that chance. She told me she had also told Polly that had I said I would love to fuck Polly's mother because she was really a sexy looking woman and that I bet she would be one hot fuck.
I couldn't believe that my little girl would tell her girl friend that I had said that about her mother. Hell I didn't want Polly's daddy to come looking for me with a shotgun. When I told Beth that she giggled and told me she knew Polly's daddy wouldn't do that mainly because she had told Polly that if she and her mother would let me fuck them then she would let Polly's daddy fuck her.
I stared at my little girl. "You told Polly you would fuck her daddy if she and her mother would fuck me?" I gasp.
"Yes, daddy, I told her that. No I didn't tell her that you were fucking me. I let her think I would fuck her daddy so that my daddy would be able fuck someone. I let her think I would do it so my daddy would have someone to fuck." she said giggling.
Damn what young girls think." I thought. But hell I wasn't going to complain, I knew that when I fucked Polly, if I did, my little girl would be right there watching and joining in and Polly would find out I was fucking her anyway.
Believe me I was anxious as Friday slowly came, knowing that young Polly would be spending the weekend with Beth and that I may just be spending the weekend with my cock in both my own little girl and her young friend, my next door neighbors young daughter, who, yes, was the same age as my own loving girl.
Finally, yes finally, Friday came. I was working out in the yard when not only Polly came over but her mother came over with her.
Polly's mother, Tara, had a big smile on her face when she came up.
"Beth told us that Polly could spend the weekend with her. I wanted to make sure it was alright because her father and I are going to be gone for the weekend, in fact we're going to be gone for at least four days and maybe a couple of more." She said.
"Sure I told her. I don't mind at all. Both Beth and I enjoy having Polly over." I told her.
That was when Tara grinned and said. "I just wanted to make sure, but there is one thing you should know. We know that Polly is growing up and she enjoys things that other girls her age just talk about. You know things like," She hesitated then said, "things like sex. Yes, Polly likes showing her body and doing things that most girls her age just talk about. I wanted to warn you that Polly may," she hesitated, then continued, "may just want to go to bed with you." Then she looking serious said, "Oh hell, we know that Polly wants to have sex with you. Yes, she wants to have you fuck her. We want you to know it's ok if you do. Yes, it's ok if you fuck her. In fact we want you to so she doesn't go out looking for some stranger to fuck." Then she smiled.
I stared at her. Then I ask her what she would do if I did fuck her daughter. She told me that it was ok with both she and Polly's father. Well that put it right out in the open.
I looked right at Tara and told her. "Tara, I know that Polly's father is fucking her, I just want you to know that I know it. So if I do fuck Polly I want to know that it is ok with both you and Tarn."
She looked right back at me and told me that she had been sure I already knew that Tarn was doing it because of some of the things that both Polly and Beth had said. She told me she had just wanted to make sure it was ok with me. She ask me what I thought about a father fucking his own daughter. That was when I told her that as far as I was concerned it was ok as long as it wasn't forced and that the daughter wanted her father to do it. She told me then that, that was also the way they felt about it. Then she ask me what a thought about a wife fucking another man with her husbands consent.
Again I told her that as far as I was concerned as long as both of them wanted it and it was ok with both of them I thought it was great. Yes, I told her that I thought it was great when a family could could enjoy doing things like that together and all of them was for it.
That was when she smiled and ask me what I would think if she herself came over some time and wanted to spend some time with me. I told her I would love that.
No she didn't come right out and tell me she wanted me to fuck her but I knew, or was at least sure that was what she was letting me know.
That was when she told me she would let Tarn know I was ok with it and would actually enjoy it.
I told her yes, as long as it was ok with both of them.
As she went back home, I knew that I was going to really enjoy this weekend, four days at least and maybe more. I also knew that I was going to be enjoying my neighbors one hell of a lot more than most men enjoyed their neighbors and was going to be a lot closer to my neighbors than others.
After her mother left, Polly came up to me and putting her arms around my neck she kissed me right on the lips.
"I'm really going to enjoy staying with you and Beth." she said with a grin, "we'll have a lot of fun." She said grinning.
As she pressed her young body against me I could tell she wasn't wearing any bra. After kissing me she ran into the house to see Beth. I stood there my cock stiff in my pants, looking at Tara as she went into her house. I seen her look back at me and wave at me. I waved back.
Yes, I knew I was going to really enjoy the next at least four days and maybe more, with my own fifteen year old sexy daughter and my next door neighbors, young fifteen year old daughter. What man wouldn't enjoy spending at least four days with two young fifteen year old sweet young girls, knowing he was going to have his cock in one or the other of them most of the time. Yes, I was sure those two girls were going to almost fuck me to death. But damn I was going to enjoy it.
It didn't take long for the two girls to enjoy their four days together being able to do things that they knew that other girls their age could never do or enjoy.
When they were out in the living room with me or just around me neither of them were careful about keeping their bodies covered. Believe me I sure got a lot of looks at bare little breasts and even bare pussies. Neither of them were wearing panties.
I knew the only reason they were even wearing a blouse and skirt was just in case someone came by.
Well, I took the girls out for dinner that evening. No neither of them were wearing bra's and boy did they and I get the looks. Hell, neither of the girls were wearing a bra and their firm young breast and nipples showed through those damn thin almost transparent blouses. Not only that but they kept letting their skirts pull up and I knew that neither of them had put any panties on and that many men got a quick look at two young fifteen year old pussies slits.
Yes, it's a wonder I didn't get arrested for them flashing men.
When we were in the car, both of their skirts were pulled up high enough that I had two young bare cunts to look at. I had a hell of a hard time driving, but I sure enjoyed the scenery.
Almost as soon as we got back home, it was after dark, those two ran into Beth's bedroom. I heard the shower running and wondered if they were both in the shower together. I also wondered if the two of them were fondling and playing with each others tits and pussies. I had a feeling I was going to get to watch the two of them enjoying each others pussies with their mouths and tongues. Yes if I did I was going to enjoy the hell out of it.
Suddenly my daughters bedroom door burst open and I had two young naked girls running out into the living room. Both of those naked girls run over to me and I had two young vibrant, nubile young bodies sitting on my lap, hugging and kissing me.
Believe me my hands had a lot of pleasure fondling four firm young breasts and bodies. My lips, tongue and mouth had a lot of pleasure as I had small breast and nipple after small breast and nipple pushed into my mouth so I could suck and bite them. Yes, I bit them too. I bit tits and nipples and left my teeth marks on them, all four of them.
It wasn't long before I had four young hands unzipping and opening my pants and reaching in and pulling my stiff cock out. I quickly had two hands, one of each of the girls holding my bare stiff cock fondling and playing with it.
Then I had two girls kneeling in front of me, and two pairs of lips and two tongues licking and then sucking my stiff cock. I was in heaven as I watched my own daughter sucking my cock into her mouth then watching and feeling my neighbors daughters, tongue licking my cock head and then watching and feeling her suck it into her mouth and watch her try taking it all of the way down her throat.
After they had both sucked my cock back and forth, they then finished undressing me. As I sat there, Polly grinning moved up and sat on my lap. Yes, sat on my lap, with my daughter holding my cock up as Polly slowly lowered herself on it taking it up inside of her tight young hot wet cunt. There I sat in my easy chair with that young cunt slowly sliding my cock in and out of her with my daughter holding it.
What more could a father ask for?
Well, my daughter held my cock as Polly fucked herself on it. On and on Polly gave me pleasure with her tight hot wet cunt, her pussy muscles squeezing my cock as it slid in and out of her.
After several minutes, Polly suddenly moaned loud as she dropped herself down on my cock taking it up inside of her as deep as she could get it, then sat there as her young vibrant body shivered with the orgasm sweeping over her.
Yes, I let go and spewed my hot sperm up into my neighbors young fifteen year old daughters young tight cunt filling her womb with my hot sperm.
It didn't stop there. When Polly finally pulled herself off of my cock, I gasp as my own sweet young daughter, grinning licked then sucked my cock clean of her girl friends cunt juices.
Then my sweet girl, moved up and she sat down on my cock with Polly holding it watching it slip up into her. Yes, Polly was watching her girl friend fuck her own daddy, holding his cock as he did.
Believe me my daughter fucked me hard and fast with her girl friend watching and holding my cock.
Like Polly it she fucked me several minutes and until she suddenly dropped herself on my cock, her own daddy's cock as her own orgasm swept her, her spasming cunt muscles, milking my sperm out of me to fill her young womb with it. Yes, my little girl took her daddy's stiff cock and his hot sperm into her tight cunt with her girl friend watching and holding my cock feeling me spew my sperm up into my own little girl.
Finally Beth pulled herself off of my cock and Polly quickly began licking and sucking it clean. Then I got to watch the show.
The two girls, after my cock was clean, lay on the rug right in front of me and began licking, sucking and tongue fucking each others just fucked cunt, cleaning each other of my cum. It was great.
Well, that was the way it went that entire four day, which turned into a week, weekend. Just as I had expected, those two girls, my own daughter and my neighbors daughter liked to have fucked and sucked me to death. Neither of them seemed to get enough. Both of them were always ready to fuck me.
Hell, even when I thought I was fucked out, those two would once again get my cock stiff and fuck the hell out of me.
Oh yes, I got to lick and suck and tongue fuck both girls many times enjoying their sweet juices. I took both of them over the edge several times with my sucking mouth and licking tongue.
Damn I was almost glad when Polly's parents finally returned home. It was on a Friday and Beth ask if she could spend the weekend with Polly and her parents. I told her sure, and told her to make sure she fucked Polly's dad good. She grinned at me knowing it was ok with me for her to fuck Polly's dad. She assured me she would. I knew she would too.
It was almost a pleasure to spend that weekend alone resting up after that week of being fucked almost to death by those two young vibrant nubile girls. I knew that when my daughter did come back home she will have experienced her first cock other than her own daddy's. Yes, my little girl will have been educated that much more in the art of giving a man pleasure and probably giving and receiving pleasure from her girl friend and her girl friends mother.
Of course it was going to be a pleasure to take just my own loving daughter to bed also and to enjoy just her young body, mouth and cunt.
As I lay there in my own bed, knowing my little girl is next door probably with another man's cock buried in her young cunt with the man's wife, maybe holding his cock as he fucked her, I began fantasizing about when I was going to fuck his wife. Yes, I knew I was going to be fucking my neighbors wife, just like I had spent the last week fucking his young vibrant daughters mouth and cunt.
I went to sleep with my cock in my hand and thoughts of my cock buried deep in my neighbors wife's cunt with him watching as I planted a baby in her womb. Yes, that was my fantasy as I drifted of to an almost exhausted sleep. Exhausted from having just spent an entire week begin fucked to death by my neighbors young daughter and my own young almost insatiable daughter.
I went to sleep with thoughts of getting rested up so I would be ready to fuck my neighbors wife when she came over to visit with me.