Ruth was led outside to the middle of a finely manicured lawn by a girl dressed in black leather. It wasn't quite dark yet, and she could see a road not far from where she was standing. It was a late autumn day after most of the leaves had fallen from the trees. She knew that they wouldn't provide any cover and any car driving down the road would be able to see her plainly.
On the ground, Ruth found a cushion. The leather wrapped girl pushed on her shoulder and Ruth's knees made contact with the cushion. She wondered why they were allowing her this level of comfort. It was appreciated, but unexpected.
While Ruth remained still, the girl slipped a blindfold over her eyes. Then she felt the cold steel around her wrists and heard the clicks as a set of handcuffs secured her hands.
She felt the gloves of the leather wrapped girl touch her head and push something into each ear. All of the normal sounds you might hear while kneeling outside disappeared, and finally Ruth felt all alone.
With nothing to do but wait, Ruth felt the wind blowing gently on her naked body. A shiver went up her spine, but she wasn't sure it was due solely to the cold.
An eternity passed before Ruth felt the touch of a hand on the top of her head. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could utter a word, something was shoved into her mouth.
It was warm and tasted of old sweat, but it was also big and long. Ruth knew what was expected as she began to service the oversize cock. In, out. In, out. The cock moved back and forth. Ruth's tongue laved the cock, while she moved her head forward, trying to push the cock past her gag point.
The guy began to pump her face faster and used his hands to insure that his cock touched the back of her throat with each stroke. Soon, she felt the tension in the cock and knew that her dinner was very close. When he began to shoot, Ruth moved her head back, capturing just the tip of the cock with her lips.
The first spurt surprised her, but she was able to keep it from leaking from her mouth. The next spurt was easier to handle. But by the fourth or fifth spurt, she felt the cum start to leak out of the corner of her mouth. Fortunately she was able to swallow and she savored the salty taste..
Ruth didn't have long to savor the taste before another cock replaced the first one. This one was longer, but not nearly as thick. Applying all of the suction she could, Ruth tried to suck the semen out of the cock before the guy was even ready. However this guy wouldn't have any of that. With one strong push, his cock moved past her gag point and deep into her throat.
He left it there. Just as her body was starting to get used to the cock lodged in her throat, he pulled it away. Ruth took a deep breath, missing the feel of that warm steel rod. But it wasn't missing for long. The unknown guy pushed it even deeper into her throat than he did the first time.
However this time the guy didn't pull the cock out completely. Instead, the tip was only pulled back a little bit, not even past her gag point. The cock started moving up and down her throat, never leaving it completely. It wasn't long before Ruth's vision began to get fuzzy from the lack of oxygen.
Perhaps it was the lack of movement from Ruth's tongue, or maybe the guy decided to change the pace a little, but all of a sudden the cock was pulled completely out of her mouth.
Ruth tried to take a deep breath, knowing that she'd need as much oxygen as her body could get, but the cock returned before she was finished. Again the cock moved in and out, never completely leaving her throat. Again Ruth's vision began to fade, but just before she blacked out, the cock was completely removed.
This time Ruth managed to get a deep breath before she felt the cock ram its way back into her throat. Unlike the previous times, the cock started moving faster and faster. Sometimes only the tip remained in her mouth. Ruth was careful to keep her lips pressed around the cock, but she always tried to take advantage of the opportunity to get some oxygen through her nose.
It wasn't long before Ruth knew the guy was about to cum. As expected, he pushed his cock so far into her throat that her nose was resting in his pubic hair. A moment later she felt the cum work it way through his cock and shoot deep into the back of her throat. A disappointed Ruth thought, 'Damn, now I won't know how he tastes.'
As if he read her mind, the mystery guy pulled his cock almost all the way out so only the tip remained inside. With one final spurt, Ruth finally got the taste she longed for. Then she wished she he hadn't. She wondered what in the world the guy had eaten that made his sperm taste so bad!
Cock number three quickly replaced the second one. This one was both short and thin, and not very satisfying. Fortunately he didn't last very long before it was replaced with cock number four.
Ruth lost track of the number of cocks that graced her mouth that evening. Short ones; long ones; fat ones; thin ones; cut ones; uncut ones... Her stomach felt full from all of the cum she ate, and her knees and legs ached from remaining in the same position for so long.
Finally, after the current cock left its present, no other cock replaced it. Ruth took the time to take some deep breaths. She waited and waited for more, but she tasted no other cocks. Even though she couldn't see, she knew that it was dark out as her body felt chilled form the night air.
Just as Ruth felt that she was about to collapse, she felt the touch of a gloved hand on her shoulder. Ruth rose unsteadily, while she was lead back to the house. Once inside the handcuffs were removed, along with the blindfold and ear plugs.
The same girl in the black leather outfit stood in front of her and pointed to the shower. Ruth gratefully complied and enjoyed the warm water as it washed over her body. She found her favorite brand of shampoo and used it to clean the spunk that she couldn't swallow from her hair.
When she stepped out of the shower, the girl in black leather was standing there with a large fluffy towel. Ruth enjoyed the feel of the towel on her body as it removed the moisture from her body. With the towel wrapped around her, Ruth was lead to a small room that smelled of rubbing alcohol.
The leather wrapped girl pointed to the table, and Ruth complied. Then she rolled over onto her stomach at the direction of the girl. After sprinkling some lotion on her back, the girl started to massage Ruth's back and legs. The stiffness that was there earlier in the evening seemed to fade away along with all of the minor aches and pains.
After the massage, the girl led Ruth to the room where she had originally removed her clothes. Ruth carefully pulled her clothes back onto her body. The girl in black watched until she had finished dressing. Then she left the room without saying a word.
Moments later, Keith showed up. Seeing him, Ruth ran over to him and threw her arms around his tall, lean body. She loved the way that her head rested comfortably on his manly chest, while his arms pulled her close to his body.
He looked down at her and kissed her. Ruth opened her mouth to receive his tongue. After an eternity, or maybe just a few seconds, Ruth pulled away from his mouth and enjoyed the warmth of his body. Neither of them said a word for a long time.
Her husband finally broke the silence and said, "Happy birthday, sweetheart."
Ruth looked up at him and said, "Thank you for the best birthday present I've ever gotten."
Ruth looked around the room one last time to see if she had left anything behind. Satisfied that she had everything, she walked down the hall with her arm wrapped around her husband's waist and began planning his birthday present.